
Marrying A Christian

Written by Frank Jamerson.

What would you think about a farmer who would yoke a horse and ox to work? It would not be sinful, but it surely would be foolish!

Paul said that Christians should not be “unequally yoked with unbelievers” (2 Cor. 6:14). I do not believe he is specifically talking about marriage, but it could apply if the believer cannot maintain his yoke with God while being yoked to his companion.

In marriage, we are dealing with a yoke for life. One with whom you share your intimate thoughts, your possessions and  your body will have an influence on the eternal destiny of your soul. Marriage is not a reform school, it is teamwork. Some think “I’ll convert him/her after we are married.” If you are so sure that this person is teachable, why not do it before marriage? Others, say “it will not affect my faithfulness to God.” Have you thought about going different ways every Sunday (or your companion going nowhere)? What influence will this have on your children?

Yes, you can be faithful regardless of the companion you choose for life, and you may even save his/her soul, but many have lost their souls for their companion. If you have the best husband/wife in the world, but they contribute to the loss of your soul, you have “profited nothing.”

Children can be raised “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” even in mixed households. Paul commended the genuine faith of Timothy “which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice” (2 Tim. 1:5). It is a sad note that nothing is said about Timothy’s father or grandfather having a part in this important work.
If you are already married to an unbeliever, be faithful to God regardless of what your companion does. If you are not married, think seriously about the influence your companion will have on your present happiness and your eternal destiny. It is better to look forward and plan than to look backward and regret. Many who had their eyes half shut before marriage, have them wide open afterwards, but then it is too late. Ask yourself—will this person help me go to heaven?