
Too Busy!

Written by Frank Jamerson.

There is an interesting story in first Kings twenty about a man who was too busy to do the job that was assigned to him. After Ahab had allowed Benhadad, the king of Syria, to live, when he should have killed him, a prophet went to Ahab and told him a story about a man who was given the responsibility to keep a captive. The man allowed the captive to escape, and his excuse was, “as your servant was busy here and there, he was gone” (v. 40). Notice some interesting lessons from this man who was too busy.

1. He did not fail because he was ignorant of his duty. He understood his responsibility and the consequences of failure, for he had been told “if by any means he is missing, your life shall be for his life, or else you shall pay a talent of silver” (v. 39).

2. He did not lack the ability to fulfill the job. The captive did not overpower him. The man clearly had the ability to accomplish the job if he had put his mind to it.

3. He was not lazy or idle. The man was “busy here and there,” but he was not busy fulfilling his responsibility. He was choked with other duties.

Spiritually, many today have TB. They are not ignorant of what they should be doing, nor are they lazy or unable to do it, but they fail because they are too busy doing other things.

     Think about this principle applied to some of our responsibilities.

     1. Some are too busy to read and study God’s word. Many read the newspaper every day, but seldom take time to read God’s word. In the past, congregations would  post the number of daily Bible readers. That may not be a good motivation to read, but it may be embarrassing to know how many brethren do not read the Bible daily.

2. Some are too busy to build a home. When a husband or wife get so busy with other things that they have no time for one another, or their children, they are neglecting important responsibilities for that which is less important.

3. Many are too busy to visit the sick, or help those in need.  Jesus said that when we do good to “the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me” (Mt. 25:40). If Jesus were in the hospital, would you have time to visit him? Remember that judgment parables show that men were lost because of what they did not do.

4. Many are too busy to obey the gospel. Felix had too many other things to do to become a Christian. He was waiting for a convenient season (Acts 24:25). There is no record of him ever becoming a Christian, and those who have the same attitude today will never obey Christ.

We may be too busy for these things, but we will not be too busy to die and stand before Christ in judgment (Heb. 9:27). Since these appointments will be kept, it would be wise to use our time to prepare for them!