
One Hundred and Forty-Four Thousand

Written by Randy Jamerson.

The one hundred and forty-four thousand are mentioned twice in the book of Revelation (7:1-10; 14:1-4). Who are they and who is the great multitude?

Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that the 144,000 is the “heaven class” and the great multitude is the “earth class.” In their words: “Not all of Jehovah’s Witnesses expect to go to heaven. Indeed only a small proportion, a ’little flock’ of them do. Almighty God, who sets all members in His organization as is pleasing to him, has limited to 144,000 the number of the ’body of Christ,’ whose members will reign with Christ Jesus in God’s heavenly kingdom” (Let God Be True, p. 222). Judge Rutherford announced in 1931 that the 144,000 had been filled, so those who did not get in before then have no chance to go to heaven, but will receive their eternal reward on the earth.

Note a few things  about  the 144,000 in the text. First, they were sealed (7:4). Second, there were 12,000 from each tribe named and none from the tribe of Dan. Third, the name of the Lamb and of God was written on their foreheads (14:1). Fourth, they were singing a “new song” which only those who had been purchased out of the earth could learn. Fifth, they were not “defiled with women; for they are virgins” (14:4).

If the total number is to be taken literally, then the composition must be taken literally. This means that literally 12,000 single, Jewish men from each tribe named are going to heaven! That leaves out all women, married men and Gentiles.

Jehovah’s Witnesses contend that the “great multitude” is the earth class because they were “before the throne.” A careful reading will show that the 144,000 were also “before the throne,” just as the great multitude (7:9) and the angels (7:9-11). Later, John identified the “great multitude” as those in heaven (19:1). So, Jehovah’s Witnesses contradict what the apostle John said about the great multitude. They were not on earth.

Who did the two groups represent? The book is written in figurative language and we must be careful about taking dogmatic positions. Ray Summers (a Baptist writer who did not believe the Premillennial theory) said: “The first group represents the true believers on earth where the storms of divine judgment break over the world. They are not taken out of the world, but they are sealed. They are kept in the hollow of God’s hand, for them all things work together to a good end” (Worthy Is The Lamb, p.151). He said the second group “is not sealed for protection because it has passed beyond the need of protection. They are already out of the world and in the presence of God. They have been victorious in trial. This is symbolized in the white robes they wear. They are joyous. This is symbolized in the use of the palm branches.” Bob Harkrider commented: “The number 144,000 is symbolic, and so are the tribes...the number 144,000 represents all of God’s people (2 Tim. 2:19). The fact that twelve tribes of Israel are specified signifies that he is speaking of God’s covenant people. The church, in fact, is referred to as the “twelve tribes” (Matt. 19:28; Luke 22:30; Jas. 1:1). Therefore, these people described here are not literal fleshly Jews, but comprise the spiritual ‘Israel of God’ (Gal. 6:16; Rom. 2:28-29)” (Commentary on Revelation, p. 92).

The doctrine that the 144,000 refers to the literal number who will go to heaven does not fit the context of Revelation, nor the teaching of other passages. Furthermore, the speculation of Hal Lindsey, that the number represents 144,000 “Jewish Billy Grahams turned loose on this earth” during a seven year tribulation (The Late Great Planet Earth, p. 99), does not begin to fit the Bible teaching. There is one hope for all God’s children (Eph. 4:4-6), and that hope is heaven (1 Pet. 1:4). The earth will be destroyed when Jesus comes again (2 Pet. 3:9-12). 

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