
False Teaching on Divorce

Written by Frank Jamerson.

God's law on marriage does not apply to unbelievers

1. Some say that God's law on marriage and divorce does not apply to those who are not in covenant relationship with Him. It only applies to a marriage in which both are believers.

2. Jesus went back to God's intent "from the beginning" (Mt. 19:4).

3. Paul said the Gentiles were guilty of "sexual immorality" (fornication) when they were without God (Rom. 1:29), and some of the Corinthians had been guilty of fornication, adultery and homosexuality before they were saved (1 Cor. 6:9-11). Where there is no law, there is no transgression (Rom. 4:15).

"Baptism washes away unscriptural marriages (relationships)"

1. If baptism makes a sinful relationship right for the unbeliever, why would not prayer make one right for the believer?

2. When the Jews violated God's marriage law, they had to make corrections (Dt. 7:3; Ezra 10:3-5,18,19).

3. Repentance requires turning from sin. It does not a relationship, or practice, from sinful to righteous. What did the man in Corinth have to do? (1 Cor. 5:1) What would a polygamist or one in a "homosexual marriage" have to do - if he repented?

"When the fornicator is put away, both are free to remarry."

1. This is argued from analogy. If two people are tied together and one is free (the chain is removed), both are free.
2. A true analogy is professional athletes. One may refuse to play for the team to which he is under contract, but that does not free him to play for another team unless the previous one releases him.

3. Being divorced does not free a person to marry someone else. "But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband" (1 Cor. 7:11). God said one who divorces for any other reason than fornication must "remain unmarried or be reconciled." He said the one who divorces "for fornication" is free to remarry. He nowhere gave permission for one divorced for other causes, nor a divorced fornicator the right to marry someone else.

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