We Take Turns

Written by Frank Jamerson.

We Take Turns



A. Story of young mother who had become an invalid, lying on her bed when her nine year old daughter walked in; seeing her mother resting, she quietly unfolded the blanket at the foot of the bed and gently tucked it around her mother. “You know,” her mother said, “it wasn’t too long ago that I was tucking you in. And now here you are tucking me in.” The little girl bent over her mother, smiled, kissed her on the cheek, and whispered, “We take turns,” then slipped quietly out of the room. In her innocent childhood manner, she stated one of the most significant of all spiritual truths regarding the relationship between members of the body of Christ. In Christ, “we take turns” tucking each other in.

B. The physical family is often compared to the spiritual family. We have a spiritual Father and brothers and sisters.


A. We take turns when we love one another (Jn. 13:34,35).

1. This love “can only be known by the actions it prompts. God’s love is seen in the gift of His Son, 1 Jn. 4:9,10...Christian love has God for its primary object, and expresses itself first of all in implicit obedience to His commandments, Jn. 14:15,21,23...Christian love, whether expressed toward the brethren, or toward men generally, is not an impulse from the feelings, it does not always run with the natural inclinations, nor does it spend itself only upon those for whom some affinity is discovered” (Vine).

2. Gal. 6:2 “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

3. You may be on either end at any given time - giving or receiving.

4. Rom. 12:10 “Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another.”


B. We take turns when we care for one another (1 Cor. 12:25 “that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another.”)

1. When a family member has a need - we do not look upon it as a “duty” to care for them, but as a privilege (Mt. 20:25-30).

2. Rom. 12:15 “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.”

3. We “take turns” - not all rejoice at the same time - but we can rejoice when others rejoice;

not all weep at the same time - but we can weep with those who weep.


C. We take turns forgiving one another (Eph. 4:32 “And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave you.”) - Not an elective course, required, and exam is tough!

1. What child has the right to say “I’ll never forgive him”?  (Mt. 5:21,24; 6:14,15).

2. The elder son syndrome is dangerous (Lk. 15:28-32).

a. The father was willing to forgive - he hated the sinful practices, not the son.

b. The elder brother hated his brother.

3. Jesus demonstrated forgiveness (Jn. 8:3-11). The Pharisees were afraid she would get away with something - as though they paid the price for her sin.

4. The man who was forgiven ten million debt was unforgiving of seventeen dollar debt - serious consequences (Mt. 18:31-35).

a. The torturers (v. 34) - “designates what happens when we do not forgive another...the gnawing, resentment and bitterness, the awful gall of hate..we cannot get away from it. This is the torturing that our Lord says will take place” (Charles Swindoll).

b. Family feud - some happen in every family...story of brothers who had a fuss, would not visit parents together, finally one shot the other...years passed the woman whose husband was in prison went to the widow and said she had a rose bush she would like to plant on her husband’s grave, and would like her to go with her to do it. She agreed and said,  “This family has paid enough for a foolish quarrel.”

c. Physical death may result from family fuss - spiritual death may from spiritual family fuss.

D. Take turns in encouraging one another (Heb. 10:24,25).

1. Randy Terry - thank for those who say words of encouragement when we are down.

2. The church in Philippi must have been very encouraging to Paul (Phil. 4:15,16). May have been just when things looked bleak, his friends “tucked him in.” (In verses 18,19, he was in prison in Rome and they had again cared for him, note vs. 10,14.)

3. Corinth helped Jerusalem saints when they needed it (2 Cor. 8:13-15).

4. We need to take turns “tucking one another in” - not always be on the receiving end.



Consider what Christ did for us - now it is our turn! We owe a debt of gratitude which can only be repaid by humble obedience to His word.